James McCeney


James McCeney has a strong global winemaking background and is in the final stages of receiving the coveted Master of Wine (MW) title. McCeney was hand-selected by James Hall as his successor to take the winery to new heights.

Global Winemaking Background

After college, he worked harvests in Burgundy at the Hospices de Beaune, Hawke’s Bay in New Zealand and the Barossa Valley in Australia – while earning his post graduate Viticulture & Enology degree from UC Davis and pressing cuvée at Domaine Carneros. James has been making wine at Lewis Cellars for the past four years. Prior to that he gained experience at Donum, Dutton Goldfield, Patz & Hall and Acacia.

James McCeney served as Patz & Hall’s Assistant Winemaker in 2012 and 2013 and has a deep knowledge of the vineyards we work with, our growers, and our wines. McCeney was hand-selected by James Hall as his successor to take the winery to new heights.

McCeney will work closely with James Hall for the rest of the 2023 growing season and through harvest. He will fully take the reins in 2024

James McCeney is in the final stages of receiving the coveted Master of Wine (MW) title. He has already passed the tasting portion of the certification and is working on the research paper. He hopes to complete it all in 2024.